Asilbay kurulduğu yıldan bu yana karayolu ile nakliye hizmeti vermiştir. Ağırlıklı olarak yurtdışı olmakla beraber zaman zaman yurtiçindede nakliye hizmeti vermektedir. Yurt dışı olarak Azerbaycan ve Gürcistan olmak üzere bu iki komşu ülkeye ağırlıklı olarak nakliye hizmeti vermekteyiz.Talepler çervevesinde avrupadan çalıştığımız bu ülkelere yük organizasyonu yapabilmekteyiz.Buna ek olarak firmamızın temel esasları doğruluk ve dürüstlüktür, Şirketimiz yükleri özmal araçları ile Türkiye genelinden Azerbaycan ve Gürcistan’in tüm şehirlerine taşıma yapmaktadır.
The Bom Group is known in the world of glass horticulture as a high tech greenhouse manufacturer and worldwide greenhouse project builder that has been serving the Greenhouse industry for more than half a century. They are specialized in the supply, construction and installation of Venlo greenhouses, screen systems and climate systems for the glass horticulture sector, both at home and abroad. We export turnkey projects all over the world.
They design and develop our special greenhouse systems and closely work together with institutions in the development of sustainable greenhouse and hydroponic greenhouse.
More than fifity years of experience enable Hortimax to control virtually any physical process in a greenhouse environment. For this purpose, company devise advanced and highly innovative solutions that provide you with greater convenience, improved efficiency and higher yields. Company aims to create fruitful partnerships with professional growers in order to maximize their yields and profitability. We do so by providing durable, efficient and innovative solutions in the areas of: Climate and Energy, Water and Nutrition, Labour and Productivity, Operation and Analysis
Ridder’s primary target group are greenhouse builders in the Netherlands and abroad. Many of the drive systems supplied to greenhouse builders are designed for ventilation solutions, such as continuous ridge ventilation, truss-rail solutions, sidewall ventilation, roller systems. Ridder launchs new products and upgrade our production facility on a regular basis. Company listen’s carefully to what their customers are telling them. All the products developed by company are quick and easy to install, and require very little maintenance.
Pelemix is a market leader in the coir – coco peat substrate market for Hydroponics grow marginbottom30ers and nurseries. Pelemix’s coir is used worldwide as a grow marginbottom30ing media for various hydroponics crops in nurseries, greenhouses, plant propagation, and bedding plants. Company is using modern technologies along with high quality materials to produce different blends for agriculture, based on coir but including other materials and owns nine production facilities in Sri Lanka, India and Thailand and a blending facility in Spain. Pelemix supply a whole range of products including Growbags, 5 kg bales, our exclusive OpenTops, Blends and other Coir based
A manufacturer with an eye for detail, creating innovative and high quality technical solutions. They do that in several lines of businesses like the horticultural industry, commercial and industrial markets. The customers that work with the company are widely spread across the world and across various markets. Neither one of them wants to make compromises with regard to quality. The expertise, skills and products of F&H Crone are recognized all over the world. Customers in the Netherlands and far beyond love to work with F&H Crone, especially when quality is involved. Quality that is guaranteed through manufacturing according to standards from Notified Bodies as Dienst voor het Stoomwezen, Lloyd’s Register, Det Norske Veritas, TÜV en ASME.
PLASTIKA KRITIS was established in 1970. It is one of the leading European producers of masterbatches and agricultural films. It has a strong international orientation with plants in France, Romania, Poland, Russia, Turkey and China and exports to more than 60 countries around the world. It has been listed in the Athens Stock Exchange since 1999. It is serving with its products the plastics industry, the horticultural & agricultural markets as well as projects related to water-management & environment protection.
2006-cı ildən etibarən “Seomak” təcrübəli mühəndis, texniki və müştəri rəyi ilə inşa edilərək idarə olunur. “Seomak” mədəniyyəti dürüstlük və hörmətə əsaslanır. Bu mədəniyyət onların ən yüksək etik standartlara uyğun olmasını təmin edir. “Seomak” həmişə keyfiyyətli iş görmüş və məhsuldarlığı artırmaq üçün daim çalışmaqdadır.